Explorer l’effet des verres NuPolar


Couleurs améliorées

Activités de plein air

La vie urbaine

Testé par des photographes


Moments de détente

Testé par des photographes

Testé par des photographes

Avec NuPolar


Sans NuPolar

Avec NuPolar


Sans NuPolar

Enhanced Colours

Nupolar lenses enhance colour perception


Blinding glare is especially intense behind the windshield of the car.
Nupolar lenses dramatically improve driver's visibility and safety on the road.

Tested By Photographers

Generation of photographers used polarized filters in their work to improve image visibility.
Essentially, Nupolar lenses do the same for your eyes.

City life

Blinding glare is abundant in the city.
Nupolar lenses eliminate it fully making life less stressful at least for your eyes.

Moments Of Relaxation

Nupolar lenses improve visual acuity in every day time situation.
Even having coffee and reading magazine outside can be made more enjoyable.

Outdoor Adventure

Nupolar lenses block 100% UV light and provide the ultimate sun protection in the harshest environments.

Tested By Photographers

Generation of photographers used polarized filters in their work to improve image visibility.
Essentially, Nupolar lenses do the same for your eyes.

Tested By Photographers

Generation of photographers used polarized filters in their work to improve image visibility.
Essentially, Nupolar lenses do the same for your eyes.
© Copyright Younger Optics